Friday, July 13, 2012

Pinterest, No Interest

I wish I was crafty. For quite some time I have made attempts at various little projects, but not until Pinterest did I fully embrace (with a sigh) my lack of crafting ability/mindset/creativity. I have given it a lot of thought and finally come to the conclusion that I can still consider myself a fully acceptable woman in spite of the lack of craftiness. But the whole issue has clearly highlighted some insecurity for me. It seems that most women I know can either sew, craft, build or decorate cakes. But somehow in the passing out of talents, God did not see fit to give me much of any of those. Not that I think I've been short-changed mind you. I fully believe God blessed me with abilities and skills that I enjoy using and see as a gift to my family, church and friends. Still, when we're all swapping updates on Twitter and Facebook about the latest cute or clever thing a friend has accomplished I get a little twinge. You know that twinge- the one that says "You are pretty good, but not quite enough."

I'd wager I'm not alone in this, although we probably all feel it about different issues. For some it may be not cooking, or not knowing how to style their hair or update their wardrobe. Others may not be naturally good with babies, or not enjoying shopping or some other typically female activity. Maybe you were never good at flirting and always felt awkward around men. Maybe you have terrible handwriting or big feet or some other quality that makes you feel less feminine. Whatever it is, when we get around other women who seem to possess that quality in abundance, we begin to compare and find ourselves lacking.

I have found a solution for my craft-challenged insecurities: Stop comparing. Stop focusing on the talents I don't have. Instead, mainly inspired by my Jesus Calling devotional, I have begun to practice thanking God both for what I do well and what I don't. For the talents that highlight my femininity and the way lacking something draws me to Him. Here's how that looks: "Thank you God for giving me the ability to cook and organize my home and create family traditions. Thank you for reminding me that my value to my family and to my friends lies not in what I do for them specifically but in how the things I do convey love. Help me to show love the way you wired me and not compare myself to other women. Thank you for giving my friends the ability to express creativity in their homes and in their  as a blessing to their families. Thank you for making us all different so that when we all come together, it shows us more of who you are in the gifts you dispersed among us."


  1. Thanks for this Debi. I have a bad habit of comparing myself to other women and I love your perspective. Love the way you write.

  2. Jamie, thanks so much- and I'm so glad you are able to see that as a bad habit and are ready to work on it. Blessings!

  3. Debi, I love your blog. Some days it says something to me and I am left to wonder how you knew that was exactly what I needed to hear! :) Thanks so much! I can do some crafts, and decorate simple cakes, but I cannot write for anything!! :) Mindy Estes

    1. Mindy- thank you- that is very encouraging! It's been a really fun way to pursue my passion of mentoring women in Christ-centered living. hugs!
