Sunday, November 25, 2012

Titus Two 4 U - Use What You've Got!

"Poverty is the mother of Creativity" is a quote from my childhood bestie, Caryn Dahm (of  a totally awesome upcycled crafting and art business).

It's true! As I am fasting the "shopping for self" I normally engage in, I am discovering a creative side to me I have always overlooked. So this morning, as I was feeling a bit restless I pulled some items I had around the house and created a little holiday mudroom entrance and it turned out pretty cute and it cost me nothing! Win, win, win!

If you read my blog about Pinterest a few months ago (I have since repented of my non-pinteresting ways) you know I tried to create a letter for an "alphabet wall" as a baby shower gift, which did not quite work out because I could not get the yarn t cover the ends of the letter. BUT as a "homespun" addition to this wreath it was perfect! I rummaged around my garage and found this old sled and a wreath that I was never very happy with, so I stripped it and started over. Anyway, not totally finished with the whole display, but it's got my creative juices flowing.

So, aside from just decorating, this got me to thinking about the bigger principal of using what has already been provided instead of asking for more. Whether it's showing hospitality to friends or ministering to the needy or using your gifts to serve your family or reaching out to those who do not know Christ- God has provided each of us with a set of "talents" and "treasures" to use to accomplish his purposes for us. It's easier to keep looking at other's treasures and saying "If only I was a better cook, or a more skilled teacher or a more impactful writer....." as a way to deflect the responsibility of obedience. Or as a way to avoid fear of failure. Or both.

But, remember, God gave YOU talents and treasures that others don't possess. They are meant to be used. Perhaps clumsily or even inadequately, but it is not you who is really working them. God works through you. You are the steward, He is the giver. You begin but He finishes. 

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