Saturday, August 4, 2012

Something New For You from Millinery

Next week begins the flurry of back-to-schoolness in our home. In our area, there are both city and county schools, which results in two different school calendars. Additionally I have two high schoolers in different schools, and an elementarian so we've got three different room meetings/orientations/sets of paperwork. (I'm not bitter but I did count papers last year and there were 51 separate sheets needing to be signed....ok, I'm a little bitter.) So, this year I have done a better job of prepping ahead of time for the upcoming year and I am actually excited to get everyone back in school and settled into a routine again.  As I have mentioned before, I am a "hamster on a wheel" kind of gal, so I thrive in structure. My husband is more "out of the box" than most, so in the summer I relax a lot to let us all breathe and chill.

As I have been praying this week for our city and our country in general, I have been thinking a lot about the verses that instruct the "older women to train the younger women...." (Titus 2:4) and how blessed I have been in my life to have had generous, kind, wise women to teach me and encourage me when I was a new mom and a young wife. I still love learning from my two mom's who I have recently had some good discussions with about teenagers. But as I listen to women in my office or just friends at church, one sad reality I see over and over, is many young mom's and wives do not have older women to guide them or mentor them. Many women my age don't have it either for that matter. I think in part that is why I began this blog- as a way to share so much of the wisdom and sound practical advice I have been given with others. So, as I have been praying, I see a few areas where women tend to struggle in managing their homes or loving their husbands/children and I am going to do a new weekly feature called Titus 2 Four U, on Sundays. I am excited to use that day to share ideas, scripture and insight I have gained over 16 years of mothering, 17 years of wifery and 5 years of counseling. Be prepared to hear my mistakes because that is mainly how we gain wisdom! And as always, feel free to let me know topics you'd like to hear about in this area. 

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