Thursday, March 29, 2012

My little secret

I just love watching someone pay me 50 cents for an item I would throw out. I love purging closets, drawers and cabinets. I love collecting a bunch of "junk" folding, hanging and pricing it. And mainly, I love watching that pile of junk turn into a small (or sizable) wad of cash.

Garage sales.

I do not love the way my back hurts from all the bending over or getting up at the crack of dawn hauling tables and boxes onto the driveway. But it's worth it. This year, the hubs and I are attempting to pay cash for everything. No financing of purchases, big or small. So, when the washing machine died, and the savings is currently going to buy the 16 year old a car, we decided a garage sale is the best way to get my laundry room up and running again. I already had a little bit set aside toward the washer (I had started  fund when I added the last batch of duct tape- seemed like the prudent thing to do) so over the next two days my goal is to make $413. I've already priced the washer we want, so that's the balance left to cover.

I will tell you, garage sales give me some fun stories and my kids have lots of memories of helping me with them. Sometimes I let them sell stuff and make money- sometimes it all goes for the common good cause. Kyler used to use his own money to buy cookie dough, then he'd bake and sell cookies. Klynt would buy about half of them. Kyler made a killing in cookie sales. Emma would use her own money to buy back stuff from the sale. I had to put a limit on it eventually. (Emma, is known in some circles as a pack rat.) And Scott helps me get it all set up then leaves because he can't take watching me sell our stuff at such bargain prices. (Scott, in some circles, is also known as a pack rat.)

(As an unrelated side note, Klynt just came down to tell me he has no clean socks or boxers for tomorrow. Lovely. That machine can't come soon enough!)

Okay, bloggy friends, wish me luck! Say a prayer for the Get-Debi-A-Washing-Machine cause. I'll update on results tomorrow.

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