Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Being the "Old People" at our new church

I have officially crossed into new territory. In the past two weeks, two different women have approached me to talk about parenting advice with their toddlers. They both commented that they thought I might have some wisdom on the subject, since my kids are all big.

My kids are all big. (??!!)

So, that means, I am now in the "older and wiser" category. I like it, but it doesn't seem possible. I have been young and inexperienced and intimidated and confused and excited and BUSY for as long as I can remember. But, here I am with teenagers and  nine year old. And a middle aged husband. (He will be so mad if he reads this, by the way. He refers to birthdays as "hurling toward death." For real.) I really don't mind being more experienced, more wrinkled, more mushy or more "classic" than these really cute 20-somethings we are building community with. I think they are authentic, passionate, energetic and delightful. Oh and tatooed. That is a particular fad I am completely not a part of. Much to my children's delight, because they would be beyond mortified if I was the mom with tatoo's. They were mortified when I started wearing fake nails. My children are odd sometimes.

Ok, so here's what I think: the Bible says the older women are to teach the younger women. And while being "old" at this church is relative as I am only 38 and intend to be alive at least another 55 years or so, Lord willing, I am older in the faith than most of the women I am surrounded by. I have been walking with Jesus since I was 11. So, for 27 years I've been in process of transformation. Sometimes I have embraced it, sometimes I have ignored it, sometimes I have rebelled. And God just keeps right on working on me. (Thankful!)

So, all of this to say, if you read this and you are younger than 38 or younger than 27 years in the faith, and you have always wanted someone to bounce spiritual/practical/relational stuff off of, feel free. I can share what I've learned, I can offer encouragement and mainly I can point you back to Jesus. To freedom and healing that the Gospel brings.

Hugs to all my sisters in the faith!

1 comment:

  1. You make me smile! :) What a delight you are to me! Love you friend and thankful for you.
