Thursday, March 15, 2012

The reluctant gardner

There was a movie that came out awhile back called The Constant Gardener (mostly tragic, not at all about gardening) and I decided if there WAS a movie made about my gardening, it would be called The Pitiful Gardener, or The Reluctant Gardener. I kill plants. I try very hard to keep them alive, but with all my best efforts, they still don't survive. So every spring I get motivated to try planting something that requires no effort on my part. Thus far, I have managed to not kill our boxwood hedge in the front yard (although to be fair, it was already there when we moved in) and I have some white daffodils that bravely reemerged for the past three years. I guess they don't know of my rep. That's about it- even the border grass I planted kicked the proverbial bucket!

So, imagine my delight when my mother-in-law showed me what she thinks is a violet growing right beside my driveway! Now, I have plans to carefully dig up Ms. Violet, not breaking her roots and transplant her into a tea cup or some other adorably creative idea that you might see over on Pinterest.

But, after considering the statistical odds of Violet's demise if I follow that plan out, I may just leave her where I found her. Don't you just love Spring?

By the way, I welcome suggestions on spring plantings that you think are indestructible!


  1. I have the irises for you. :)

  2. I am coming to get them tomorrow! SOOO excited bc I love Irises and we have $0 in our current budget from flowwers. :-)

  3. Irises planted! Just as the rain began to fall which I'm hoping will be the sign to them to take root and GROW!
