Monday, April 2, 2012

Monday- this and that.....

So, it's the start of a new week- one of my favorite week's actually. I love Easter and everything leading up to it. I have come to appreciate more and more the beauty and horror of the Cross and the power and victory of the Resurrection. I think probably I will continue to find more depth and meaning every year of my life, and so there is a sense of quiet anticipation within me as we approach this special time.

Also on my radar this week is the imminent arrival of my parents. They called a few weeks ago and said they wanted to come for Easter. As we live 12 hours apart (they reside in sunny Orlando where I grew up) I am always delighted to have them! I saw them last in October, which was 5 months ago. It's amazing how fast time goes right now. Anyway, I will be a flurry of cleaning and fluffing to make the house lovely (not that they care, but I do). And I also need to get my Easter Bunny action on at some point before Sunday morning! I'm thinking World Market this year, because I was in there after Christmas and wished I had gone there for cool stocking stuffers....

One relief in past busy-ness is I no longer feel the need to go "over the top" on Easter clothing. That used to be a stressor for me: "does everyone have their Easter outfit ready?" But as the years have gone by I have decided that, for our family, I want the focus to be less on how we look on Easter Sunday, and more on the condition of our hearts. So Emma has picked out which of her dresses she will wear and I will recycle an old Easter dress and my men will pick what they want within the boundary of "something that looks nice."

My husband told me last night he has decided to "fast" from his usual entertainment forms this week. I thought that was really neat and felt thankful for a man who allows the Lord ownership of his heart.

Kyler's brace snapped in half on Saturday so I will be tracking down the company who makes it to see if they will replace it or if we have to buy a new one. (fingers crossed- these carbon graphite babies are not cheap) They market this particular brace as "indestructible" which I think ought to count for something in the procuring of a new one. Also, perhaps they should look up the word indestructible.....

Okay, my last Monday tidbit I'll leave you with is a picture of my soon-to-be 9 year old girl have a tea party on the porch with her dolls. I had given her a real miniature tea set (translate: breakable) to play with and she had a ball. She had seen "tea lessons" on her Felicity movie and thoroughly enjoyed reenacting the scene. It was too sweet and a reminder to enjoy the simple blessings of Springtime. Happy Monday!

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