Friday, April 6, 2012

Top 10 Easter Delights

10. big, yummy Easter lunch at my house this year with both sets of grandparents
9. dying Easter eggs with the fam (we go old school Paas, but we also use crayons to color designs before we dye them)
8. deviled eggs, carrot cake, ham
7. all the cute chick and bunny stuff everywhere, including Emma's bunny ears
6. Easter candy- Reese's eggs are my favorite followed by jelly beans
5. tulips, daffodils and orchids blooming all over town
4. Easter Sunday service- this is our first year celebrating with our new church family and I'm excited
3. Being the Easter Bunny for my kids who at 16, 14 and almost 9, still love their baskets
2. My parents being here with us for all the festivities this weekend
1. The Death, Burial and Resurrection of Jesus and how that changed everything, including my life.

1 comment:

  1. Love this, Debi! Great list! Glad that you will be with your family this year:)
